What is NLP?
NLP has many definitions and is frequently described as a bit like an 'owners manual' on how to use your mind! It looks at the way in which we think and process our thoughts (Neuro), the language patterns we use (Linguistic) and our behaviours (Programming) and how these interact to have a positive or negative effect on us as individuals. Put more simply, 'What we think, is what we feel, is what we are '. Our thinking patterns will affect every aspect of our lives.
NLP has been around for over 30 years when its co-founders Richard Bandler and John Grinder first 'modelled' other eminent therapists. Since then, NLP explorers have studied or 'modelled' the behaviour and thinking styles of particularly effective and successful people in business, education, politics sales, therapy, sport and personal development. The result has been an ever-growing collection of information and insights, backed up by a range of NLP techniques that you can use to be more in charge of your thoughts and feelings. NLP skills will enable you to think more clearly, communicate more effectively with others, manage your thoughts, moods and behaviours.
My Approach
NLP is not generally seen as a model of therapy that is used on its own. It is usually an additional way of working within the more general therapeutic approach and as a qualified and experienced NLP Practitioner it is a thread that runs throughout my client work. It is not 'rocket science' and can be equally and easily embraced by children and adults. I will guide you through the learning and acquiring of skills and techniques you need to enable you to achieve the positive and lasting changes you seek.